Hello there. Welcome to WhoCalls.Net.

Somebody just called you. They did not leave a message! The caller ID (if you have one) was of no help... Or maybe some telemarketer keeps calling and trying to sell something or conduct a poll, even after your effort to register with US National "Do Not Call List" . Or maybe, even worse, somebody is harrassing you over the phone with prank calls or nasty debt collection. In any case, the caller for whatever reason did not follow the polite telephone etiquette -- they did not properly present themsleves or their business when talking to you, or they did not leave clear information about their identity, time/date and reason for the call... So, for whatever reason you are looking for the information about the caller and maybe the ways to stop the unwanted calls.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, you have come to the right place for the task. Here we attempted to compile every possible information to help you answer these very simple questions (and maybe more):

  • Who called?
  • Why are they calling me?
  • What to do to stop these calls?
  • etc...
Ok then, whithout any further delay, if you know how the service works go ahead to our [Free_Search] first. If you were unsuccessful you may want to try one of [Other_Providers] of reverse telephone lookup service or, as the last resourt, you may want to consider trying one of [Paid_Searches].

Telephone Data Sources and Pricing

In general there are 4 types of telephone numbers:
  1. Listed Numbers (usually "land lines" from major telephone carriers)
  2. Unlisted numbers
  3. Cell phones / Mobile phones
  4. VOIP telephone lines/numbers
The only group you should expect to get FREE information about is "Listed Telephone Numbers" from major Telephone Carriers. So, the best way to start your search is to try the search provided by the carriers themselves or Data Collectors/Providers that share telephone/address information for free: Unlisted numbers, cell phones' and VOIP numbers aren not public record, and data providers spend time and money trying to compile a comprehensive database of those numbers, and in return expect to be paid for their effort. Prices may range from $0.95 to $20 for a single number / name / address / record.

Alternatively to "Paid Search" there are several FREE TNLs/RTNLs (Telephone Numbers Lookup Services / Reverse Telephone Numbers Lookups) that are effectively a "User Driven Databases" (UDDs) of "Reported Telephone Numbers", where information is compiled based on the input of people like yourself who may become aware of identity of the caller and decided to make life easier for others and share their information with the public at large. Our services include one such reporting facility/database (presently under construction), and have links and references to others...

Our Services Are Free

We started our service out of need to address the growing frustration of public from abuse of telephone communications. We understand that not everybody can afford paid RTNLs (Reverse Telephone Number Lookup services) or feels justified to have to pay for this type of information. So, we plan to keep our services free for general public. And we plan to compile, aggregate and share with you the best 3rd party resources in a way that will help you find information you are looking for. Free User Driven Databases of telephone numbers may not contain information you are looking for. We, therefore, also provide links and references to a larger databases of telephone numbers offered to the public as a professional service for a price. (At present our proprietary telephone numbers database and reporting application is under construction).

Your Feedback and Support.

If you feel like sharing with us your feedback and suggestions please send us an email to [email to us].